Open street map download vector files

Our download server at has excerpts and The /openstreetmap directory contains files that have a whole continent's data in them, 

This is the preferred approach on Wikipedia for images which are essentially vector based. It's also good to be able to perform vector based tidying up tweaks in inkscape prior to uploading.

Available map groups: agriculture, air transport, boundaries, buildings and structures, bus and coach, CPRE public, cycling, freight, highways, historic, landuse, OpenStreetMap fixup, Ordnance Survey open data, power and communications…

Vector data can be loaded into QGIS from an OSM file without any extra add-ins. Use Layer -> Add Layer -> Add Vector Layer menu and specify an OSM file to be imported into a QGIS project. Others are under investigation, and some have been rejected (details of rejections are on here too). There are basically two criteria: To create GpsMid build with map data for your own regions, you first have to download the raw data from OpenStreetMap (*.osm). Vector maps are currently used in preference to downloading map images from the web, for various reasons: If you are a first time user or if you want to know more in detail what you have to do in the steps above we strongly encourage you to read the short tutorial How to create a map with mkgmap first! OpenStreetMap vector data/graphics with python. Contribute to cmorace/osmVector development by creating an account on GitHub. The map is available as raster map via WMS and WMTS services, and as vector data via WFS service. Also the layers of the map are available sepately.

17 Feb 2018 OpenStreetMap est bâti par une communauté de cartographes bénévoles qui contribuent et maintiennent les données des routes, sentiers,  Getting access to OSM data in a GIS format is integrated in QGIS. This tutorial Go to Vector ‣ OpenStreetMap ‣ Import topology from XML. Note. Now that we  9 Sep 2017 This tutorial provides a brief overview of how to quickly and easily download OpenStreetMap (OSM) data and convert it into a format that can be  The exported .osm file can be opened in QGIS or many other GIS tools. In QGIS click vector and click openstreetmap and click download data. OSM data is free  You can export data from OpenStreetMap and open it in ArcGIS to use it in your own extracts of OSM data in a variety of formats from, file and then clicking Add, you can add all of its component layers to the map, see this guide [fix link] for instructions on how to do so. Data format: Vector. 27 Jan 2019 One of this features is the way OpenStreetMap data can be downloaded Using QGIS 3.4 Madeira and QuickOSM plugin you can now download OSM data directly in your computer. Go to Vector > QuickOSM. q4 If you want to directly save OSM data in your computer go to OSM Files > Directory and  Download the entire planet, country or even city from the provided links below and use our vector tiles to get your job done.

Maps are powered by the OpenStreetMap data and vector tiles from the OpenMapTiles project. This is the easiest way how to launch your own mapping platform with global base maps for your products. In this lesson I will show you how to download OSM data in QGIS and create a production-ready map in minutes using the QuickOSM plug-in. You will learn how tOverpass API – OpenStreetMap Wiki we get to a detailed syntax explanation, we present the probably most common use case, the map query, to collect all data (including metadata) from a given bounding box (these requests are compacted to the minimum; note that the icon… MapDroyd ( was an offline vector map viewer app for Android. It was free but closed-source, created by German company OneStepAhead, which is now part of CloudMade. You can also export OSM vector data directly from the browser by selecting the Export tab once you have zoomed in to a map area of your choice. Vectorial Map is map viewer and track logger for Mapsforge offline vector maps (*.map) with support for custom XML styles like provided by

Download and use weather forecast map data from NCEP - National Centers for Environmental Prediction.

Available map groups: agriculture, air transport, boundaries, buildings and structures, bus and coach, CPRE public, cycling, freight, highways, historic, landuse, OpenStreetMap fixup, Ordnance Survey open data, power and communications… Planet.osm is the OpenStreetMap data in one file: all the nodes, ways and relations that make up our map. A new version is released every week. The format was designed to support future extensibility and flexibility. OpenStreetMap est bâti par une communauté de cartographes bénévoles qui contribuent et maintiennent les données des routes, sentiers, cafés, stations ferroviOsmAnd - Offline Mobile Maps and Navigationosmand.netSelect between complete map data and just road network (Example: All of Japan is 700 MB, or 200 MB for the road network only) Supporting and enabling businesses, government, communities and individuals to benefit from the use of Geographic Information.

Download very small area (e.g.: neighbourhood, small town): OpenStreetMap (directions in Step 2a, below) This will save the file as an “OpenStreetMap XML Data” (.osm). To export, click File > Export > Export Vector/Lidar Format.

Go to openstreet map and zoom to the area you'll go and click to the permalink (bottom right) to see lat long zoom value in the URL field of browser

I don't think the Google street data is available as vector layers. You should start with I want to extract NDVI values on each pixel (like ASCII files in GIS) for every time step over the last 20 years